Daniel is very imaginative. He has a much bigger imagination than I ever did as a child. He's really creative and is always making all kinds of things. He plays pretend a lot. And I LOVE it! I love watching it, and listening to it. He also pushes me to be creative. He always has the best ideas for games to play, or for things he wants me to sew. Like a Power Ranger costume that he very suddenly decided he NEEDED. How His Costume Came to Be... It was almost time to get ready for bed the other night, and he asked me if I would go make him a Power Ranger costume. I said, "Daniel, it's 8 o'clock. It's bedtime, and I don't even know how to make a Power Ranger costume." I kind of figured he would drop it. I finished what I was doing in the kitchen, and he walked into the den for like 5 minutes. He came back with this picture and said, "See this is what I want, but it needs a gold symbol on the front, and it needs gold close to the neck." ...
My adventures in sewing all things and learning lots as I go!